Reaching our human potential

Reaching our human potential

Starting with how we are Being

Ashkan Tashvir

Founder of the Being Framework™, Ashkan Tashvir has pioneered a radical paradigm that is transforming leadership, effectiveness and performance today.

becoming book release

New Book Release:

BECOMING - The Emergence of Being

Experience a transformational journey through the first work of fiction from best-selling author and philosopher, Ashkan Tashvir.


Hear what others are saying about Ashkan’s body of work.

Greg Aldridge

Greg Aldridge

CEO, EveryMan Australia

Rebecca Wood

Rebecca Wood

Director of Clinical Services Team, Toora Women Inc

Joe Ernst

Joe Ernst

Chief Operations Officer, Clipex

Ashkan is on a mission to lift awareness, integrity and effectiveness in the world.

Through his experience as a parallel entrepreneur, investor, philosopher, technologist and leader, he discovered that we’re in a crisis that is not commonly spoken about.

Everyday, in every organisation around the world we are not near operating at our potential levels of effectiveness. We're causing mass wastage of effort and lost productivity. And it's not because of shortages of resources or a lack in skill or intelligence. It is because of who we individually and collectively are choosing to BE.

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His experience and deep study spanning more than a decade across a unique combination of areas including technology, business, leadership and philosophy, led him to formulate the first-ever ontological framework for how humans are ‘Being’ in the world, the Being Framework™.

The Being Framework™ comprehensively lays out the qualities that any human being can tap into to transform their levels of leadership, performance and effectiveness. Whether that be in your workplace, company or venture through to your relationships, finances or well being. You can learn more about the Framework in his book BEING here.

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The Being Framework™, along with its official measurement and assessment tool, the Being Profile®, is used by thousands of leaders, coaches and performance consultants worldwide.


We cannot be effective if we are not integrous human beings.

We cannot be effective if we are not integrous human beings.

Books by Ashkan



In his book, BEING, Ashkan walks you through these qualities, mapping out how and why each plays a critical role in an individual’s performance, effectiveness, influence and leadership. The book also explores the practical tools he designed: the Being Framework™, incorporating the Being Profile® assessment tool and Transformation Methodology™, which are used by professional coaches, executives and leaders throughout the world in their organisations and lives.

As featured in

human being book

Human Being

Audiobook available

In HUMAN BEING – illuminating the reality beneath the facade, Ashkan Tashvir adopts an ontological ('let's get real') approach to understanding human beings – ourselves and others. Whether you are building your career, a startup, a family, a relationship or an organisation, how you and the people around you are BEING matters. Discover how to see through your and others’ Being by decoding the fundamental qualities that influence our behaviours and decisions and drive our results.


BECOMING, The Emergence of Being

BECOMING – The Emergence of Being follows the unravelling of Yoren Healy's seemingly brilliant life. Beneath this lies a profound and relatable struggle—a battle with feelings of being lost and unfulfilled, despite the trappings of success. As he embarks on a journey of exploration with the support of his coach, you’ll discover the reasons behind his unfulfillment, from his upbringing and family heritage to his perception of societal expectations and how he relates to the world, others and himself. By following Yoren's captivating story, through both the light and shadow sides of himself, you'll experience a fresh perspective grounded in Ashkan’s body of work.

Future of Business and Finance book

Featured in the Springer “Future of Business and Finance” series

Ashkan has been featured among the international and interdisciplinary team of authors at the Springer "Future of Business and Finance" series by the editors of the Three Pillars Model.

In this chapter, Ashkan contextualises how the Being Framework guides individuals, particularly leaders, and then the teams that surround them to transform who and how they are Being to consequently impact the decisions they make and behaviours they carry out that bring about wide-scale transformation in their organisations.

Fulfilling an organisation's mission through effectiveness, performance and its ability to undergo successful business and organisational transformation come down to the integrity of that organisation. In turn, the integrity of an organisation relies on the integrity and effectiveness of its people. The question is, what defines an integrous and effective individual and team? This article explores this question and explains why the so-called ‘soft skills’ – which are much deeper than skill...
Feb 07, 202220 min read12 likes
Fulfilling an organisation's mission through effectiveness, performance and its ability to undergo successful business and organisational transformation come down to the integrity of that organisation. In turn, the integrity of an organisation relies on the integrity and effectiveness of its people. The question is, what defines an integrous and effective individual and team? This article explores this question and explains why the so-called ‘soft skills’ – which are much deeper than skill...
An introduction to the Being Framework.

Fueled by frustration and anger transformed into clarity and determination, Ashkan Tashvir, CEO and founder of Engenesis and the Being Profile®, formulated the first-ever framework for how humans 'ARE BEING' in the world, the Being Framework™. The Being Framework™ comprehensively lays out a methodical approach to understanding and then enhancing and transforming human performance, effectiveness, leadership and well-being.

Based on years of multi...
Jul 26, 202115 min read18 likes
An introduction to the Being Framework. Fueled by frustration and anger transformed into clarity and determination, Ashkan Tashvir, CEO and founder of Engenesis and the Being Profile®, formulated the first-ever framework for how humans 'ARE BEING' in the world, the Being Framework™. The Being Framework™ comprehensively lays out a methodical approach to understanding and then enhancing and transforming human performance, effectiveness, leadership and well-being. Based on years of multi...
As human beings, our Moods are the first layer through which we project who we are to the world. In this article, I explain how our Moods, particularly vulnerability, anxiety, fear and care, are profoundly connected to the way we participate in life, individually and collectively. It also explains why the highest achieving leaders in the world are willing to be misunderstood and even judged for sticking to their guns and being true to themselves and their vision.
Nov 08, 202120 min read9 likes
As human beings, our Moods are the first layer through which we project who we are to the world. In this article, I explain how our Moods, particularly vulnerability, anxiety, fear and care, are profoundly connected to the way we participate in life, individually and collectively. It also explains why the highest achieving leaders in the world are willing to be misunderstood and even judged for sticking to their guns and being true to themselves and their vision.
What comes to mind when you think of authenticity? Do you think of it as the quality of being real and true to yourself, of not pretending to be someone you are not? This article will reveal that being yourself is only part of the story and the significant consequences, individually and collectively, when authenticity is lacking.
Nov 17, 202115 min read8 likes
What comes to mind when you think of authenticity? Do you think of it as the quality of being real and true to yourself, of not pretending to be someone you are not? This article will reveal that being yourself is only part of the story and the significant consequences, individually and collectively, when authenticity is lacking.
Speaking about creating positive outcomes for the members of our society in need is one thing. Delivering on those outcomes is another. In response to this challenge, Greg Aldridge, CEO of EveryMan Australia, initiated the adoption of the Being Framework, not only in the organisation but also within the context of their partnership with women's not-for-profit organisation, Toora Women Inc. This case study explains how the Being Framework empowers leadership throughout all levels an organisation ...
Feb 10, 20225 min read6 likes
Speaking about creating positive outcomes for the members of our society in need is one thing. Delivering on those outcomes is another. In response to this challenge, Greg Aldridge, CEO of EveryMan Australia, initiated the adoption of the Being Framework, not only in the organisation but also within the context of their partnership with women's not-for-profit organisation, Toora Women Inc. This case study explains how the Being Framework empowers leadership throughout all levels an organisation ...
To date, there have been four stages of the economy, dating back to the time when we lived in caves and relied on nature for all our resources. We are now living in the fourth stage – the digital era – and we have access to almost anything we desire, no matter where we are 24/7. Although we are still digesting the fourth stage of the economy, we are already heading towards the next. The ‘Fifth Wave' of the economy, which is what I call the next stage, is creating a groundswell movement in ...
Sep 30, 202115 min read9 likes
To date, there have been four stages of the economy, dating back to the time when we lived in caves and relied on nature for all our resources. We are now living in the fourth stage – the digital era – and we have access to almost anything we desire, no matter where we are 24/7. Although we are still digesting the fourth stage of the economy, we are already heading towards the next. The ‘Fifth Wave' of the economy, which is what I call the next stage, is creating a groundswell movement in ...


Together with his team at Engenesis, Ashkan is building an entire ecosystem of people, resources, products and tools that supports transformation in the world from an individual to organisational level.

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